It won't be long before we start thinking about meals with fresh fiddleheads. I start looking for them around May 15th and the high season is around the Victoria Day holiday. Last year, I agreed to do a fabric postcard swap with all the other CQA Reps in Canada. I have received all but one postcard. I'm one of the last 2 to get them done. I was at a roadblock. The criteria for most of the postcards is the same... something that represents our area.. So for me I've been thinking about the fiddlehead as the basis for my postcards. For a year, I've been thinking postcards, fiddleheads... but nothing was pushing me to get them done. Well, after taking my Art Deco sewing class from Pippa Moore this week, I had it. I had my fiddlehead after all this time. I made a prototype, and I really liked it. So yesterday I made 3 fiddleheads and I'll do the rest when I get back from away. I have the 3 in envelopes with stamps and with a note bearing the words. "The Fiddlehead grows by moonlight along NB streams and rivers only to be chopped down at daylight by lovers of these green delicacies."