Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thanksgiving Bracelets

Since we will be away on our Thanksgiving, the past two Sundays, we've had two big Thanksgiving dinners with our daughters and their families.    Since I had lots of supplies left over from making stitch markers for the run for the cure, my grandchildren and I made some jewelry crafts on our Thanksgiving Day while taking in the heavenly aroma of roasting turkey.  Here's a photo of Jessica and Emily and I putting the finishing touches on our crystal bracelets.    Aren't they pretty!


Unknown said...

Very pretty!

Donna's chitchat said...

My God your hand looks like mom's hand... so does mine. pretty bracelets by the way.

Mick said...

Beautiful!! I wish I had been there for some beading but we'll have to get together after your trip to do bracelets!