I've said it before,.... Thank goodness for UFO's. A week or so before going on vacation, we found out that our grand-daughter Grace has to fund-raise for her new Dance Troop. They are developing various ideas to raise money. One of their ideas was to raffle a quilt and they asked if I would help out. At first, I thought, ohhh, how can I fit this into my busy schedule? You know, with classes, travel etc.

Then I looked in my spare bedroom closet. That's where I keep all my near finished projects (or UFO's) I smiled when I saw this Winter Wonderland lap quilt, because I knew it would be a quick finish. A couple of small borders and its small enough for me to machine quilt myself. It's a great Winter themed quit. Perfect for the dancers to sell lots of tickets on over the winter. If you are local, you will probably see me helping to sell a few tickets..
This was a "Row of the Month" project we did at the Cotton Mill Guild. The borders are now done and I'm now layering and pin basting the lap size quilt. It makes me smile when I look at it.

My husband helped me by closing the pins after I strategically put pinned the layers together. I find closing the pins hard on my nails so I bought this Kwik Klip tool last year. It is specifically made to close the safety pins. Anyway, he thought it was pretty good tool. So from the safety pin closer in this house, it receives a thumbs up.
I will buy tickets on the quilt.. heck, I will sell some tickets too… if you send me some! I love that sweet little winter fun quilt!
How nice to have something that fits the bill perfectly. I hope lots of tickets get sold.
I actually bought TWO Kwick Klips because the husband was so impressed with it while helping me baste.
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