Tuesday, March 28, 2017

But before I Go..I needed to Sew

Just thinking about packing up my sewing machine this week gave me the heebee jeebees.  I've made the mistake of packing up too soon before.  So  I thought, I should get one or two of my small projects on my to-do list done.

The first project was simply to add a zipper to a large wide-open bag.  It was started a few weeks ago and was waiting until I found the right color purse zipper.  So that was a quick finish.     This is a gift for my friend Brenda and I'll give it to her when I get home later next week.

Next, are a batch of pencil cases.  To make the fronts of the pouches, I used up batik scraps, added some simple stitching to a plain light fabric, and then added my label.  When the fronts were done, I put them together using my standard simple pencil case pattern.    All they need now are  cute little beaded zipper pulls.

It was fun to sew the continuous random lines on the long
plain strip.  

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

When it's time to go, it's time to go.

The weather in Florida has been exceptional this winter.  We have had so much fun here in the community and it seems like we were busier than ever.  

We loved having some visitors this year.  The best was having my grand kids were here for March break. Besides suntanning and swimming, we played shuffle board, went for dance lessons, went bowling with the big balls, and we can't forget the afternoon milkshakes.  They loved having their own transportation around the community.   Everyone here has a golf cart.  It's a large community.   It would take 30 minutes to walk to the pool.  So the carts are a must here.

They also loved just going on the lanai in the mornings with their breakfast.  Feeling the warm morning sun on their face was so welcome.  The kids want to live here, but it's too bad for them.  To live here, you need to be of a certain age.  But you can visit all you want..  

Well the kids are gone now and the countdown is on. Most everyone's visitors are gone too and the conversations around the community are about who is leaving when and how long their drives are.  Now not everyone leaves, the majority of our friends are leaving.   Each year, my circle of friends gets a bit wider.   Most are sewers or quilters and I haven't even left year and can't wait to see them next year again.

Even with all that fun and community, I am now looking forward to coming home. I have a busy spring planned and I'm chomping at the it to get back in my sewing room.  I have all kinds of projects swimming around in my head.  I think I should start making some lists.  That way, I won't wake up in the middle of the night with things to add to my virtual list.

See you all in a few weeks.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Bunnies, Bunnies, Bunnies

I finished a medium size Open Wide bag yesterday. I thought it would be a good bag to tote my bunnies for show and tell at quilting tomorrow afternoon.   But I guess I should have made the larger bag.   Seven sets of floppy ears are just to many for the medium size bag.   teehee..

Also, I love it when I can re-use something that I have done before.   Here's the story... See, I plan to give a bunny as a gift to the girl who organized the quilt show here in the community.   For weeks now, she just goes gaga every time she sees my bunnies.   She really wants one for her adult daughter who has all kinds of quirky things.

I haven't told her that I'm giving her a bunny yet.   I wanted to make sure I had enough yarn to  make extras.  And I now know that I do.  So it will be a surprise for her.  I will give it to her in the last few days that I'm here, before heading north.   Now, how will I present it to her.   I need a gift box.  I know, I can make one...

I tried a bunny in my wallet box for size and Voila..it fit's perfectly. No adjustment to the size is needed at all.   Yippee.  All I need is a nice piece of tissue to wrap the bunny in and a ribbon for the outside.

So, if you want to make your own box for a bunny, you can use my wallet box tutorial which can be found here...

Saturday, March 4, 2017

It's a Blue Binding

The blue binding won out.   Thanks to everyone who offered up their opinion.  

After watching a Bethony Nemish video about machine quilting little sprays of feathers, puff balls and swirleys.   i decided I had to try.  She made it look so easy.  I thought I can do that.   For my practice,  I whipped up this simple runner.    She made it look so easy.  It's not as easy as she made it look.  😀  Maybe with a little practice I will get the hang of it.  

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

White or Blue - That is the Question!

I whipped up this little table runner this week.  It only took about an hour to free motion quilt it.     Now the question is to bind in white or bind in blue.  Here I've auditioned the blue binding...  I can do either.... My intent was to bind in blue, but I quite like the fresh white look...      What do you think?