Boy, it's a good thing I really love my sister. She requested a casserole carrier quite some time ago. "Not a round one", she said, "I want one to carry my 9 x 13 pan".
So, I have had the special fabric for almost a year now, and it's been sitting in the casserole pan on my sewing table all that time. I didn't quite have the right pattern to make the carrier, and and looked at
free pattern after
free pattern . None of them was what I was looking for.

So after making the little round casserole carrier yesterday, I decided tackle the task of making my sister's rectangle casserole carrier. I spread the fabric out and set the dish on it. My brain was doing 10 calculations at once, then my plan of action was being developed as I was folding and unfolding the fabric around the dish.
I've been measuring, sewing, fitting and tweaking this design all day. It's modeled something like this
one that is a free pattern and
this one too. Except the one I made is simply made from 2 layers of quilters cotton and it's not stuffed with batting. I did make a plain black quilted hot pad that sits under the dish. It's hard to see, but I just quilted straight lines back and forth on it. Do you see it?

The fabric was chosen because my sister hates peas but loves "pea" inspired things. It's funny, I don't like carrots and she doesn't like peas. Back when we were kids, those were the only vegetables Mom served. So can you imagine the fights at the dinner table. "Eat your Peas!" one night. The next was "Eat your Carrots!".
So it's done. Yippee. I'll be surprising my sister with it this weekend.

For those who asked, I came across
this free tutorial to make a round casserole carrier similar to I made earlier this week. It's very close to the one I made without a pattern.
Very cute and clever -- I love the fabric! Thanks so much for posting the link to the round casserole cover tutorial.
Very nice!!!
Oh, nice surprise, hee hee, but you didn't think I would be reading your blog before you got here!!!! I won't tell you that I know I am getting it or even what it looks like... hee hee... I hope you say.. "can you guess what I have for you?". I will already know! Oh, and thanks by the way! Your sooo sweet!
I'm sure this won't be posted, but it is very irritating to click on 2 links that are supposed to be patterns, but they are ads. Ads that you make money from-- WITH NO PATTERN! Thanks
Dear Anonymous....I'm sorry that you were misled about my casserole carrier being a pattern. It is simply a blogpost that I did years ago when I made my sister this as a gift. Some ad company must be using my photo to entice clicks. So sorry about that. I get no revenue from my blog...
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