I've really enjoyed my first week back at home. I can't believe how quick it's gone. After a couple of quiet "do nothing-recover from travel" days I have had some quality time in my sewing room. It's a disaster, but I have cleared a bit of room off my cutting table and ironing board and I have started to work on my "Must do by next Friday list".

First thing I must finish is
a baby quilt that I prepared back in February. I waited until the baby was born to finish it so that I could put her name on it, which I did today. I have the backing ironed, and the batting cut to size so I just need to layer, pin, machine quilt, and bind. I'm setting 3 hours aside to do this. I really want to have it done before I go have a visit with mom and baby next week.

Next on my list is to machine quilt my batik beauty. I spent some time pawing through my stash for a great dark backing. So it's all layered, pinned and ready to machine quilt. It will be done after the baby quilt. I'm setting aside an hour for the quilting and an hour for the binding.

While this is not urgent, I saw a quilt that I couldn't get out of my head. Does that ever happen to you? I have been thinking about this quilt and I was perplexed at how the quilt was made. So I tried a couple of things, and in the process I discovered a really neat design. I'm totally off my original thought and on to the revised design. Since I have a ton of scraps, I thought I'd go ahead and cut enough to make a full size quilt. I don't intend to have the quilt done, but I would like to have the 400 small blocks done. Here is a picture of 250 of the 400 blocks needed. I'll set aside 2 hours for this.

Lastly, before next Friday, I'd like to make a new table runner using my "never used" Tri-Recs rulers. Inspiration came from
Joanne at Threadhead. This is picture of Joanne's runner using the Tri-Recs rulers . Don't you think it's fabulous? I'm setting aside 2 hours for this and I'd really like to have it on my table next Friday when I'll be hosting the Friday Girls coffee break. .
Did I tell you that I'm babysitting Baby Aurora from Saturday until Wednesday? I'm going to teach her to sew, so that she can help me with my projects this week.