I'm into week three of making my lollipop quilt. I will be quilting this in five sections and then connecting them together after all five are machine quilted. I've taped the backing and batting to the floor and carefully laid out 3 of the sections to be pinned. I find this the most difficult part of making a large quilt. I use a pad to kneel on, and pin for 10 minutes at a time. Getting up is hard.. tee hee... The next step is to cut the three layered sections apart, and machine quilt.

But first, I need to warm up... test my threads, etc. My strategy is to quilt the white parts first, then do the colored part after.
With my warm up done, the next step for me, is to machine quilt, quilt, and more quilting.. By next Wednesday, I want to have all three sections quilted. Do you think I can do it?
Yup. Machine quilting is lke very salty potato chips...once you start, you can't stop!
Gail, it's going to be just sweet! And I have no doubt that you will have it quilted before next Wednesday. No sweat...
I love the swirls.. what a fun project! sooo nice... so fun... I can't wait til next wednesday to see what is next
Gail, next time, if it is in the morning, please call or text me (and if it is after the gym) I would be bodily mobile AND I would be PLEASED to help!! It would help me too. So let me know the next time you are doing this taping and I WILL COME.
Karen, are you sure about the chips analogy?!!!! I wish it were true for me. Hints??
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