I'm really looking forward to my fall. I am teaching three classes to local groups. I've been preparing samples, photocopying class notes and ordering up any special supplies that I need.

On Oct 25th, I'll be teaching a "
Beyond Stippling" free motion quilting class. I really enjoy this technique and skill-building class because I know that half way through the class, I hear the "Oh, I Got It" from students. That's the big reward that teachers look forward too. Holly is hosting that class.

On November 22nd, I'm leading a project class at the Keswick Quilters Guild.. We will make a screen bag. I know that class is full and the fun part about that class is that I will have delivered the Guild Program to their entire guild earlier that week.
On November 29th, I'll be leading a Batik Wallet class to the Fredericton Quilters Guild. I love making this wallet. I've made many wallets and have lots of special tips and techniques to make this a show-stopper. You already know that
Jeanie-Kay won a first place ribbon at the NB Exhibition this year. This is not a beginner class, so there might be a couple of spaces left after the Fredericton Quilt Guilds October 21st meeting.
Maybe I'll see you in a class this fall!!