Last week I was in a quilt shop and saw a sweet sample of an organizer tote for all your sewing things. You would use this if you go to a retreat or a workshop. I should have taken a picture of the tote because it was just sweet. I wanted to buy the pattern and go home and make it right away. But they had sold out the pattern. I totally understand why because the sample was just so darling. Anyway, the store took my name and said they expected the pattern the next day and they'd call. It's been over a week and no call.

I did some research online and found this similar pattern. It's not quite the same. It has an extra zipper, and it's a little bigger, but the concept is the same. I bought the pattern and downloaded it. After reading through the pattern requirements, I fished through all my scraps for usable pieces. I even sacrificed some bits from my A - Z quilt fabrics. I'm sure there are 10 different fabrics in it. I started to sew up the prototype and actually it's eye catching with all the color. I've been picking away at it here and there for a couple of days. I had some short zippers but I need to buy a 22" zipper. Its coming out better than I thought.
I had quickly quilted the outside out of a piece of scrap knowing that it's just a prototype.... but prototype or not, I'm not crazy about this brown/mustard colored fabric. I'll pick up something with nicer colors today or tomorrow when I get the zipper. I should have this done in a day or two. Stay tuned for the reveal.
lovely...I made a coupon organizer...very Much like this , was fun
Oh, my. This might appeal to the organizer nerd that lives within me. I want to see how it stands up to having a bunch of junk loaded in it - I'm sure you'll find junk to test it, right? tee hee
Looks like you might be making a bionic gear bag? I've got the oattern but haven't made mine yet. Playing with fabric choices can be fun!
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