I also got a Teflon Silpat non-stick cooking sheet. Martha Stewart uses one all the time for baking cookies etc. With this sheet you don't need spray pam or to grease the sheet at all. I've wanted one for a long time, but just never saw fit to get one. So now I have one and I'm going to make cookies this evening to see how it works. This is a neat gift for the baker in the family.
And I'm not sure if you know, but I have a scissor fetish. Here is a little collection of scissors I use every day. No exaggeration... I have scissors on my sewing table, my cutting table,
my ironing board, and of course, my roller cutters get used every day. Here is a picture of part of my collection, the part that I could get to without disturbing too much. So on my birthday, I received a pair of cordless Black and Decker Scissors from Michele, Wade and the triplets. Of course all my scissors are cordless, but none are powered. I had never seen these before. How cool and they work pretty neat... no effort at all. See the video... I'm cutting the batting for Emily's quilt.

Thanks for all my birthday goodies everyone.