For the past few years, Julie and I have been hosting an online auction for the Aliant staff. The funds raised go toward the Run for the Cure team that we have participated in the past. The run is October 5th, but our auction will be from Sept 16, 17, and 18 so that we have time to collect the money before the auction. I thought last year would be my last year to help organize this Aliant team, due to my semi-retirement, but I'm still semi-retired so I've been asked to step and help organize this again.
I've known about this for a month or two now, but I haven't been in the right mood. Well, today, I got this big envelope from the Run for the Cure office. It was notes on what we had done last year... and who made donations. I had all this information, but it was nice that they sent it. It was half of a nudge that I needed to get started. The other half of a nudge was my sister Donna posted on her blog congratulations to her Sister in law Kim in Halifax for raising $2500 for Breast Cancer. So that has given me inspiration to get things moving on our auction.
So I am looking for items/services/ideas to auction off in an online auction. Last year, we raised over $2000.
Will you leave me a comment with your ideas ... What would you pay/donate money for... Juicebags, towels???... If you don't have a Google account, just click Anonymous ..
I have asked all my normal suppliers, but they only account for half the items we need. I need personal items such as home made items, pickles, wine, scrapbooking services... (just kidding Donna) etc.
I'll help with some packages of cards/coordinated boxes, etc... if that would help.
I will think on ideas... ummm
Jam, I can do.. let me think...
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