On Wednesday afternoons I go hand quilting at the church. Today we were 7 around the frame. It just warms my heart to have a big crowd. If you have ever been part of a hand quilting group you know that everyone has stories. Our group tells stories from the old days.

Today, we laughed and laughed. They talked about all the ways that women tried to curl their hair. From wrapping your hair with cloth bits and some even wrapped their locks around crumpled paper. Each one had stories about pin curls and then came the day of the perms... They called them Toni's and those little curlers that look like bones. I have some of those by the way!! Then how they had brush curlers, foam curlers and such. Each one had a bigger and better story!! We laughed all afternoon.
Then the conversation turned to bloomers and nylons. Not me, but almost everyone else talked about getting bloomers for Christmas. For the most part the were an awful blue! Some of these gals said that during the depression, women painted a black line on the back of their leg so it would appear that they were wearing nylons.
What stories do you hear around your frame?
I doubt you will get many responses since it appears as if hand quilting - and especially hand quilting around a frame is quickly becoming a thing of the past. I get together with two other ladies ever Wednesday night and we quilt around a frame but last night we were relatively quiet. We did talk about the rain and the news stories. Later on, I did ask what women used years ago before we had plastic wrap. Wax paper and the bags inside cereal boxes were two of the answers.
Those were the good ole days for sure. When women gathered around a quilting frame and shared stories. Sounds like a good time was had. Love reading about your adventures and projects.
I remember those perm rods- and the brush rollers, foam rollers, etc.. Thank God for curling irons these days!! Glad to hear your quilting group is still together, I thought they were folding...
Love the commentary! I guess if there is something negative about machine quilting, this would be it! The chatter and laughter!
Thanks for a delightful trip down memory lane Gail. My Mom used to tie rags in my hair, too long for pin curls in those days, or France braid it while wet and then sleep on it, and unbraiding it! Then I "upgraded to bone curlers, foam curlers and brush rollers...what a
price I paid for some bride curls!
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