Sunday, February 15, 2009

Settled in at Myrtle Beach

We're settled into our condo at Myrtle Beach. It's not the same condo as last year, but the same complex of 6 buildings as last year. I took along my favorite picture, and set it on the hallway cabinet. Now I can look at my grandchildren all day long. We've already tested out the video calls on the computer and it works great, so now I feel right at home.

Here is a picture of the view from our 3rd floor balcony. Our condo this year is in a building that is situated behind the swimming pool. Here is a picture from our 3rd floor deck. Of course it's much too cool to go lay by the pool, it still is an inviting view from our balcony. It's 15 degrees C today but our building and deck are sheltered by 2 other complex buildings flanking our building. It is protecting us from some of the cool breezes so believe it or not, we're sitting on the deck this afternoon enjoying the bright open sun, and the swishing of the ocean waves.

If you get a minute, my friend Linda Hubbard and quilt teacher has launched her blog, Stitch Lines. She has been busy uploading pictures for her galleries and getting ready to lauch. I've added her to my sidebar, so you can check up on her anytime.


Linda H said...

Wow! What a nice view, Gail. Sure nicer than the snowbanks I'm lookng at!! Soak up that sunshine!Thanks for mentioning me on your post...You must also have sent a message to your Friday gals group, as I heard from Kathy F and Lee last night... :)

cpm said...

WOW! Amazing view! It's nice that you can look over both the pool and the ocean. You can see if the pool is busy or not to decide if you want to take a dip!
Enjoy every minute of your time in Myrtle Beach...FAR FAR away from the snow! (speaking of which they are calling for a possible snow day Thursday!) Are you even happier to be there now!?! ha!ha!
Have fun Mert and Gail!