The threat of snow for the next 4 days had us packing up and heading home from Nova Scotia early. Even though our trip to the Annapolis Valley was short, we had a blast. My sister and hubby got a Wii and Wiifit Plus and we had the Wii analyze us for fitness and wii tried all kinds of fun fitness games/exercises. After only 1 day, the Wii reported that I lost .4 of a kg. The Wii did advise me not to get to excited since my initial weigh in was at night, and they recommended that weighing in at the same time every day would be the best way to gauge weight loss. So I had to wait another 10 hours. Hmm...
That reminds me, it's New Years Eve. I wonder if I should be thinking of making a New Years resolution or something. I hadn't given it too much thought until just now!!

I thought about it, but we didn't bring home a bike, jewelery, lamps, sheet a bissel spotbot, hammers, trailer hitch balls, camouflage wear, Christmas ornaments, giftware and decorations too numerous to even remember. Bargain Harley's might be something like Mardens in Maine. Although, I'm mostly only familiar with Marden's fabric section.
I was looking forward to stopping into Avonport Discount that has name brand fabrics and tons of notions and books, but they were closed for the holidays. You know, I probably didn't need any fabric anyway!
Have a great and Happy New Year Everyone!