Back to what bugs me... I can say that I have mastered machine binding 90 degree corners. There were 8 of them on this little project. But, I've yet to find a good way to machine bind inside corners. Today, to bind this project, I used the "clip into the corner and sew on the binding in a straight line" technique. I followed that by trimming a little of the inside corner away after stitching on the first side of the binding. This left me with a less stuffed corner and the binding wrinkles folds in nicely... sorta.. But there has to be a better way.

I'd love to know your technique if you have one to share.
Thanks for posting this Gail! I find that my binding of these inside corners are kind of hit and miss, using the same method really as I do on my 90 degree this is great info-how to clip and fold after marking the 1/4 inch lines. I will try this next time!
Let us know what Karen says?
I bet Linda Hubbard has the answer. She does such precise work!!
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