Monday, May 12, 2008


Where is the month going? It's May 12th, and there's alot going on from now until the end of the month.

The first item on my to-do list - Tues, May 20th, I have an entry in the Fredericton Quilters Guild - Quilter's Idol - at the closing pot luck. I've decided to take my Juicebag recycling project to the next level. I'm in the midst of creating another useful item using recycled food storage bags. I'll post a picture of it later this week. I need to develop a krappy monologue to go along with it. You'll understand when you see it.

Item 2 on to-do list: Baptism dress. Aurora is getting baptized on May 29th. I want to do something really special in the way of embroidery on her dress. I've been looking at patterns, and lace. I'll be cutting that out by the end of this week. Stephanie is graduating from UNB on the same day. I was thinking of making her a gift, but I've got a better choice that's easy.

Item 3 on my to-do list: Make 3 Juicebags for my Dr's office. The same 2 doctors and one nurse have been in that office for about 30 years. These girls are all the same age as me... or slightly older. I went to have my annual checkup today and they oogled over my juicebag.. how much do I charge etc. Well, I don't make them for sale I said... Then on the way home I decided I'll make them each one and drop it off sometime as a little something special. Today at my appointment, I was complaining about a pain here, and a pain there to her as she was doing my exam. The Dr. said it's retirement related. It's all the stress of my job coming out... She says I'll be pain-free in a year... So what does all that mean... Anyway, the good news is, my blood pressure is that of a 16 year old. That makes Mert green with envy.

Item 4: - Get sewing workshop items together for my 3 workshops that I'm taking at the Quilt Canada in Newfoundland. I leave on Monday June 2nd.

Mert will be joining me in Newfoundland after the conference where we'll go travelling around in the search of icebergs. One of my Microsoft friends from NL sent me this link to track icebergs in the area. So I'll be doing that on the days before we leave.

Item 5: - This might be out of order, but I need to wash and prepare my fabric for the Quilt for an hour project that I'm starting on May 19th. I think there is an hour of sewing each day that week. I'm ok with that.

Item 6: - I'm going to make this little conference badge holder called the Aeropack for my trip to Quilt Canada in Newfoundland. It's to hold meal tickets, show tickets and other conference name badge items. I'm not going to let myself start this until I get item 1 and 2 mentioned above done. Then as a reward, I'll let myself do this one little conference tag thing. I almost talked myself into skipping ahead of Items 2 and 2 and doing it today, but I stopped myself after cutting out the pattern pieces, and cutting out the vinyl. I'm sure I'll fight with myself again over the next week, but I'm sticking to my guns. Item 1 and 2 need to get done.

1 comment:

Donna's chitchat said...

Quite a list. Nice to have a list though, keeps things focused and moving along.