Well recently, I discovered that when I tested the pen on some batik fabric, the pen marks disappeared, but so did some of the ink in the fabric. I switched to a chalk pen, but I thought that my discovery was interesting and it could be used to my advantage.
The color lifts out. Every time. Every batik I've tested, has the same result.
So if you are marking temporary lines on your batiks, don't use the FriXion pens.
But knowing this, I know that some of you are pretty creative and might find a way to use this FriXion pen "feature" in your batik projects.
Can you think of other ways that this "feature" would be useful?
I have done some research on these pens and only the black totally works. What you are seeing is a white residue, try washing one of the above marked and ironed batiks, after it dries but it in the freezer to see if it comes back and if the white residue is gone. So far I have only had one fabric (with the black pen) that the pen didn't totally wash out.
interesting observation ... so many new toys to try!
I so appreciate it when you ladies share your experimentation; I originally purchased a red pen for redwork when I first read about them. I see possibilities for their cautious use.
I like the way you turned your 'lemons' into lemonade!! I love these pens but will use them only after I have tested them on the fabric I am using!! thanks for passing the word out!!
Very interesting. Thanks for the info. BTW, I love these pens.
Thanks for the sharing what you've learned. It's so important to test, test, test...something i admit I'm not great at. Too impatient.
Thanks so much for this info. I have just tried these pens and I think they are great for some fabrics, but it is so GREAT to know that they have this effect on some fabric. I have a quilt that I plan to start very soon that is entirely batiks so I an so glad I saw this post. Can't thank you enough! Hugs...
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