I made this label up after reading how important it is to put details on a label. I also read that Micron Pens are a great pen to use with pfd (prepared for dying fabric) when making a simple label. I just happen to have some pfd fabric and Micron pens in my stash, so I set out to create a label for Aurora's Lollipop quilt. I really want to acknowledge the help that my sister Donna and her daughter Michelle gave me while waiting for the arrival of Baby Jack.

They helped me for hours in cutting out all the fusible web and then after ironing the web shapes down onto the many colors of fabric, they cut out the flowers. They took homework home when I was too tired to think...Really, it was a big job. They also organized the color combinations of the multi-part flowers, and helped layout the placement of all the components for a great overall flow. By the time I was left to work on my own, all I had to do was fuse the pieces on the white background, layer with batting and backing, then quilt. All the hard brain work was done!! (Thank goodness because it was confusing at times)
So when Aurora is older, and reads the label on her quilt, she'll understand that it wasn't just me who made this quilt for her. And that her little cousin, baby Jack wasn't even born yet when we started this quilt.
I'll hand stitch this label on this evening..
I just love the memory that you shared and included in this quilt. Makes it even more special.
I always label my quilts but have not used a micron. My machine does letters so that's what I use.
It was a wonderful idea to include who worked on the quilt with you. A treasure.
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