On Tuesday, we woke up to snow. It totally threw me off. I was all set to go for a run, as I usually do on Tuesdays, and it was too dirty. I probably couldn't have even walked in my sneakers because of the slippery conditions. So I started to really consider what my options were for running for the winter... my old work gym, the new YMCA, or wait for the new Newbodies... I went for a really fast walk at the new track with Mert and ran on Wednesday instead. I have to learn to be more flexible.
That same day, Mitchell visited us in the afternoon while his sisters were at gymnastics class. Our goal was to make a dragon hat, make muffins, make

supper, make a puzzle and finally to make a dragon paper craft. Whew mama, I was tuckered out, but Mitchell was so happy, especially with this paper dragon. Funny how the small things please kids.

Wednesday around noon, I finally got my run in. We had Grace for the afternoon while Mitchell went to hockey practice. We had a bit more time, so with Grace, we picked out a nice paper acquarium with 8 fish and a snail. We also made cookies, and a fleece hat. By far, the acquarium was her favorite thing. It took almost 2 hours to make. Last Wednesday we had Caitlin over and she mostly made her fleece hat by

herself. She is so proud. She wore the hat while making brownies, while having supper and even wore it to bed. How cute!
Yesterday, (Wed) afternoon we go the call from Home Depot, our countertops are in. We rushed up to pick it up and couldn't wait to call Peter, our carpenter to tell him it was here. Peter dropped by to check everything out and said he'd be here first thing tomorrow (which is today, Thurs) to install the dishwasher and countertops. I'm so excited. Our kitchen should be all up and running, with the new light, countertops, knobs and dishwasher by end of day Friday. I can't wait to take a picture to show you.