Just this afternoon, we just travelled across to the south side of the river and up to the mall. There is only one way to get onto the bridge now. The under the bridge approaches are now closed. You can only get on by approaching from Westmorland Street and up off Maple Street. We can't get to the Princess Margaret from the northside because the water is now covering the road and curbing in Barkers Point. The northside riverfront Green is completely under water. I just heard that they're shutting down the Legislature. While it's not underwater, the water will become a nuisance and traffic will be so interrupted, they don't need people downtown trying to park in places that are now flooded.
So I just got back from Fabricville, and I have the border and backing fabric to finish my onion quilt, so I'm all set for a couple of days. We'll go to the cottage and take update pictures at noon on Friday. That's when the water is supposed to peak.
PS: Happy Birthday Stephanie. Did anyone buy you rubber boots for your birthday?. If you get flooded out, you can always come here for a couple of days. Just ping and we'll send a canoe to pick you up.