Monday, August 10, 2009

Sewing the Bump

I can't believe it's been a week since I blogged. Now that the nice weather is here, we take advantage and head to the cottage and we've been there a couple of times in the past week. But alas, it's drizzly today, so I'm back at the computer.

Later today is going to be a fun day. Some friends and I are going to sew the Bump, that you might have seen in an earlier post. By cutting strips of contrasting colors, you get the illusion of a stretched out bump in the center. Do you see it? We're just sewing a small version to get the hang of it. If we like doing it, then we can make a bigger one which I probably will.

This is a picture of one by Gerta DeVries, who inspired us by giving a Math Lecture at UNB in June.

I'll so you my mini sample tomorrow.


Donna's chitchat said...

wow, sort of makes we car sick...

too much work for me... you guys are amazing in all your sewing challenges... geesh...

MissesStitches said...

Looks awesome! Can't wait to see your version.