When we bought our summer cottage a few years back, it came furnished and the previous owners left some old blankets, curtains etc. We threw most of them out but I was reluctant to throw out this old woolen blanket. I took it home last fall with the intent to make over this blanket and give it a new life.
So, this week, as we prepare to open the cottage for the summer, I dug out the blanket. I hummed and hawed over how to best manage it. Then while looking at the raggy ends, I decided surging them off was the way to start. I surged off one ragged end. The other end, that had a sizeable hold in it near the end. I surged off about 6 inches from that end. It's more square now than long, but I really like it. Just like a quilt, I made a 2.5" binding and added it to the blanket, just like a quilt.
To complete the blanket makover, I re-stitched on the original label that was just hanging on by a few threads. The label says this blanket came from the Strathroy Woolen Mills in Ontario.
I think I'm going to enjoy this blanket as we snuggle on the cool mornings at the cottage.
Good for you...I would have cut it up...dyed it and turned it into a penny rug!! I like your cozy blanket better!! haha
I just bought a similar blanket in pale green - with similar issues to yours. What a wonderful idea - I think it will definitely be the way to go with mine!
I have the same blanket, same label, in blue - it belonged to my parents and I'm guessing was a wedding present in 1948, but would like to know if anyone can date these plaid woollen blankets with this particular label more precisely. Nice job of the redo!
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