You are probably thinking, "What could possibly be a downside of a quilt show?" Well my answer is SLEEP! You see, I find over the last few years, when I go to a quilt show, I can't sleep for days after. I guess the last thing I need is INSPIRATION!!
So while at the show yesterday, this sweet quilt made by a guild buddy and friend, Jeanne Kaye, kept me going back to take pictures and just admiring it. It was quilted with red thread and a simple loopy and star motif. It hit me.... I've been collecting small bits of red, and I've been wanting to make a quilt out of neutrals. I need to make this quilt..
I woke up twice last night thinking about making that little red star quilt, then it hit me... I've seen that quilt before..... I could picture it in a magazine, sitting on my cutting table no less. Well I could hardly wait to get up this morning to go paw through my pile of quilt magazines. Sure enough, there it was... I had flagged it before. It's called Star Light and it's from a McCalls' 2005 quilt magazine.

Today is the last day of our guild's show, so try to get there. You won't be disappointed. Linda H. took some time and photographed all the quilts from the show, so we'll put them in an album on the FQG blog soon, and you can look at them all.
Oh, Gail, I'm envious of your having the opportunity to see this pattern made up. I have also been collecting fabrics and had two patterns, this and another from the same designer in my mind. This week I decided on the "other" choice although this magazine is still open on my desk. Too many sources of inspiration and too much fabric in my stash. Time to get to the machine and start stitching. Just have to get this darned election over with as it's cutting into my creative time.
You too huh?? I loose loads of sleep after a great quilt show... Oh who am I kidding I loose sleep, after even, a not so great quilt show. Why is it that some of the best inspirations seem gel in my mind, in the hours we are supposed to sleep? Have fun with your star quilt. It will be beautiful.
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