I put some of the blocks on the spare bed to see how the layout was going to look. First thing I thought was that maybe I've made this way too big. It's intended to be a queen size borderless quilt in that it's strictly blocks from edge to edge. With only 32 more blocks to sew together, I'll be moving into the layout phase soon. I enjoy that phase and usually have one of my little helpers to look for places I need to change blocks out.

This is a closeup of one of the blocks. I've used a traditional gold for the center of each block and light cream/tan prints for the light logs. I like how they are all different and the texture it adds.
It's my first time doing a log cabin quilt, but won't be the last. Love the Marti Michel techniques.
I love it. I remember making a log cabin, but I don't remember why I would. Maybe with Joan...
Anyway, so pretty...
Pretty colours. I thought the traditional was a red centre standing for the hearth/heart of the cabin.
Beautiful...I've been wanting to make a LC...just need to get started.
Julia ♥
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