One of the things I did was to lay out the log cabin blocks for St. Dunstan's quilt on the living room floor. It's going to be a large queen size. 10 blocks across by 12 down which will make this about 85" x 100". I like the layout..
Every time I walk by, I move around a couple of blocks... It is supposed to be random... and it is... but every once in a while, I will see two blocks that are butting up against each other, that have the same color... Don't want that, now do we.... This could go on for days. But I'm only giving myself until suppertime on Friday. Then it gets all picked up in order, and on Saturday morning, I start to sew it all together...
Looks like I'll make my personal deadline and will be showing this at guild this coming week!! Yippee...
Then it goes to the St. Dunstan's Quilters for marking and hand quilting.
It's looking great! I can't wait to see it sewn together.
Will you add any borders Gail? It is lovely! Gentle "sherbet-y" colours!
It's gorgeous Gail!
As a textiles teacher, we used to make quilt blocks for a raffle quilt. The blocks would lay on the table for a week and students would 'play with them'. At the end of the week, we would number them and start the process of sewing them together.
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