A couple of weeks ago, I attended the Bill Clinton presentation when he was in town. His talk was very interesting. One part of his talk that I found informative was the work that he is doing with Haiti. He heads up a non-government organization that are developing strategies to help the devastation. Part of that is trying to develop and implement systems like a mortgage system where a citizen can borrow to build a house. One of the points he made was that when he was President, decisions on this type of thing were made with consideration to the media backlash. He said that now that he's not the current President, the media doesn't really care about what he does, so decisions are made differently. Sometimes their efforts work and sometimes they don't.
He was very hopeful for Haiti's new government.

he looks like a cardboard figurine that you stood beside and there is a dummy hand that your shaking...
oh..... its too late to meet Oprah, on her show, anyway. I got an email from her last week though and she might be dropping by my place this summer. She liked my blog, so she is coming to see me. I will let you know when she is coming.. you can come serve us Tea and cookies....
Way to go, Gail! (re the previous comment...my first thought when I saw the photo was that it was a cardboard cutout too!)
My dream was to be the next Lisa Lang / Oprah's Journalist. She broke my heart when she ended her show....
New goal? Be the next Oprah.... ;-)
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