I have Stash Fright! I guess it's just not me. It just so happens, that
Judy L. has blogged about this very subject earlier this week.
Over the years, I have purchased fabric lots of fabric. I go to great lengths to store this "project fabric" in a orderly fashion. (Many thanks to Greco for the containers) I love all the fabric I buy, or I wouldn't have bought it in the first place. But now I seem to be obsessed with
not sewing with it. I need to get out of this and start planning some quilts. I think the best thing for me to do is to start picking patterns, and cutting some kits. I have lots of things that I want to make and I'm afraid to cut into anything for fear that I might not have enough fabric to make the project that the fabric was purchased for.

So, my Plan.... I know right off the bat, that I need to make 3 quilts. One for each the Triplets who are now 7. I was waiting until their puppy dogs were out of the chewing stage and that the kids themselves were truly out of the out of the kitty cat, or princess, or Pokemon phase. I think we're getting there.

So the Triplets come for a visit overnight tonight and besides the manicures, one of the activities I am going to do with them is to have them choose the quilt pattern with me, then work with me on selecting the fabrics. Then these fabrics, along with the pattern goes into a Greco Pizza box. I've made their pizza box labels for their picks then I'll cut a kit in the next week or 2. By doing this for 3 quilts, that will help release some of the fabric to be cut to work on other projects.
Oh, Greco, can I please please please have 3 more Munchie Meal boxes....
Ahh, I'm starting to feel relief.
**** Note:
I only use clean Greco boxes that never had pizza in them. If you go into Greco and ask nicely, they'll give you a box to use for your project.