Friday, October 31, 2008
Crazy Quilt - Winter Raspberries

Thursday, October 30, 2008
A clean up day for my sewing room

I have the red binding already made for these and will machine quilt and bind these this weekend. I know that some people absolutely hate binding, but I love doing the binding and seeing the project finished.
I'll have to do another clean-up day next week. :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Boys and Spiders

Then he wanted to make his Mom a gift, a Halloween colors gift. So he painted up this nice pencil

My camera is playing tricks on me... Or maybe it's just me. I had nice pictures of Mitchell hamming it up for the camera while eating his waffles and a great picture of his missing tooth..... but they're gone...

While Mitchell is blow drying his craft for mom, he's holding his doggie door hanger to show you. He actually forgot that at Grammie's house, so it's hanging on her door right now. But the cat doesn't like it.
We had a very busy few hours, but we got alot done. Now grammie needs to buckle down and get some sewing done.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Halloween party at work

And the big news of the day. Mitchell lost his first tooth just this morning. He's coming over today after school, so I'll take a special picture of his missing tooth.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Raggy Jackets
They are made of the same colors flannels, but the color strips are in different orders. The collars match the rolled up sleeve.
There is binding that goes around the collar and down the fronts and around the bottoms. I used my pfaff bi-level foot to do this. I can't believe how much I love that foot. I've used it for all bindings for the past 4 months.
So before I give these to Caitlin and Grace, I need to make something for Mitchell. I have some really nice fleece, so I might make him a sweatshirt. That's my job tomorrow, look through patterns and see what I have.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Fabulous, Freddy Beach Pfaff Club

Friday, October 24, 2008
Crazy Quilting and Sewing a raggy Jacket

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A visit from Grace

Here Grace is sewing patches on this little blanket. She's going to give this blanket to Bluey who you met in an earlier blog. I tried to explain to Grace that pink is not bluey's favorite color, and she just tee hee'd at me and said that Bluey would really like it, especially the little ladybug patch we sewed on.

If it's one thing that Grace loves to do, it's crafts. Everytime she comes for a visit she asks to do crafts, so we got this cute little craft kit at the dollar store. They have nice crafty kits for kids. This is a door hanger with a cat on it..... Grace's favorite pet.

Grace and Grampie take a big smell of the pumpkin spice muffins we made for her and her sister and brother. Grampie was teasing Grace that he wanted to eat one. Grace picked out the decorations at Michaels and she put the spooky decorations on the muffins perfectly.

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Elm City Quilt Show

I got there with my camera in hand and I was slowly going through and I heard this little voice, "Oh Gail, Oh Gail". I knew lots of faces at the show and since I've been travelling in quilting circles for quite a while, I wasn't surprised to hear my name being called. But I was surprised at who was calling me. It was the pack of 4 or 5 of the St. Dunstan's quilters. I never see these elderly ladies out and about, I usually only see them at church. It was fun to see them there. I introduced them to my Friday girls since they hear all about trying to decide which quilt to make them

Anyway, here are some of my favorite picks along with the St. Dunstan's Quilters picks. Now that I look at them, they're all very traditional and scrappy.
Leave me a comment to say which one you would like to win if you purchased a raffle ticket. I'll pass the feedback on to the St. Dunstan's quilters. I need at least 10 comments for this to be an "official" poll so don't lurk, leave a comment.
From top to bottom, they are: - Galaxy of Stars
- Apple Bars
- Geese
- Split 9 patch
- 9 Patch & Squares
- Nickel
Friday, October 17, 2008
Crazy Quilt - The last class

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Maggie and Batty

These are 2 black webkins that belong to Mitchell. These are his favorite webkins. Ever since Bluey was here to have a visit, Mitchell wanted his webkins to come for a visit and he wants to see what they're doing by looking at my blog.

Baby Aurora loves the tags on these and she has batty by the ears. Maggie is trying to get away!

Guess where I found them this morning. They were playing with the threads in my sewing room. They were looking for the black thread, but this is what they found. Everything but black.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Anniversaries for everyone.

And it just so happens that today is October 11th, which is Carrie and Kenny's 12th Wedding Anniversary. They are spending the evening at a nice romantic Bed and Breakfast in Millville tonite and they and the kids will be here for supper tomorrow.
Happy Anniversary to everyone.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Have you ever invented anything?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Crazy Quilt Class - Week 4 and a little Run
Today was week 4 at our crazy quilt class. We learned silk ribbon work. Three different roses, and leaf stitches and we were given a few bouquet patterns. A few weeks ago I bought some varigated silk ribbons from http://www.hand-dyedfibers.com/. I bought 2mm, 4mm and 7mm. So today in class, we practiced on a piece so our homework is to do some on our piece. Also, the silk ribbon can be used for any of the stitches that we've been using th floss and threads to do. I love the silk threads. This stuff is adicting. I started travelling to class with half a basket... now, there's not even room for my bottle of water and apple for a snack.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
So, "What did I buy at Mardens" you ask?

I also got help from my shopping buddies to pick out the perfect fabrics for this baby quilt. I'm making one for Aurora and 2 others the same for friends who are having babies in February and March. Again this is from a Nancy Halvorsen baby book.

Monday, October 6, 2008
Run for the Cure - Fredericton raised over $325,000.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Grace and Melodie
About 6 weeks ago, Grace started horse back riding lessons on Saturday mornings. She loves, loves, loves animals. It didn't take her very long to get the hang of handling such a big horse. This horse is named Melodie and lives in a stable in Keswick. She's such a gentle horse. The trainer Nicole complimented Grace on the position of her heels and her good posting. (that's the going up and down on the sadle part). Grace was practicing steering Melodie by pulling on the reigns. Boy was I impressed with this little girl. Melodie got a carrot after the practice, for doing such a good job.
So, while Grace is horseback riding, Mitchell and Caitlin stay at home and do kid stuff. On Thursdays, we take Caitlin to swim lessons, and pretty soon, Mitchell will start his Hockey practices. These kids are growing up too quick.
That Darn Tart Hat

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Crazy Quilting - Week 3

So this week I tried my hand at combining stitches. Here I have a simple button hole stitch. It was too small so I added a single lazy daisy stitch to the top of every other buttonhole stitch. It still looked plain so I added 2 uneven straight stitches to act as leaves. It still looks plain. I think I'll leave it for now. I may add a few darker french knots or wait for the beading.
Remember in week 2, I had a single line of feather stitch. Well, I just added more to give this an under the sea look. I'll add a few more ribbony things with silk... I like how this is looking. The feather stitch is so forgiving and easy to layer.

So this weeks home work is to do a few lines of the rest of the basic stitches and to really spend some time looking at examples on the internet. This is one site that was recommended by Linda http://www.inaminuteago.com/ . If you go there, plan to burn a few hours... Man, it's an inspiring sight. She has a crazy quilt called I dropped the button box. It's got to be a world wide standard in over embellishing. I'm new to the crazy quilting world and have just gone there and I can't imagine a more inspiring site/blog. I bet all crazy quilters know her stuff already.