Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A visit from Grace

On Monday after school, Grace came for a visit. We had been planning this visit for some time now. Grace was afraid she'd forget to do certain things on this visit so she started making a to-do list last week to help her remind her. As we did the things, she crossed them off her list.

Here Grace is sewing patches on this little blanket. She's going to give this blanket to Bluey who you met in an earlier blog. I tried to explain to Grace that pink is not bluey's favorite color, and she just tee hee'd at me and said that Bluey would really like it, especially the little ladybug patch we sewed on.

Grace loves her Mom. When we went to Michaels craft store, she wanted to paint a pumpkin for a centerpiece for her Mom's table. We also went to the dollar store to buy some beautiful wrapping tissue and get a gift bag in her Mom's favorite colors.... Blue with flowers.

If it's one thing that Grace loves to do, it's crafts. Everytime she comes for a visit she asks to do crafts, so we got this cute little craft kit at the dollar store. They have nice crafty kits for kids. This is a door hanger with a cat on it..... Grace's favorite pet.

Grace and Grampie take a big smell of the pumpkin spice muffins we made for her and her sister and brother. Grampie was teasing Grace that he wanted to eat one. Grace picked out the decorations at Michaels and she put the spooky decorations on the muffins perfectly.

We did other things too, like visit the new Petcetera pet store hoping to see some kittens or puppies, but they had none. But they did have an amazing selection of pet toys.

And finally, Grace helped make her own supper. Waffles was her choice for this visit. She mixed them up and grammie poured it on the waffle iron. Yummy with Syrup.
Thanks for coming over Grace, we had a nice afternoon, didn't we?

One day next week, Mitchell will come for a visit. He came for a short halloween costume fitting visit a few weeks ago, but it wasn't by himself, so we'll have a special visit soon.


Jill MacD said...

Reading all the fun stuff you do with your Grandkids makes me smile (and get a little teary). It reminds me of spending time with my grandmother when I was young.

Donna's chitchat said...

Will you be my grammie! I am starting my list.